Chon-Ji is the first form we do at Koryo Do. It lays the foundation for the future.
Definition: The beginning of the Universe. Principle of the creation.
Steps: 19
Belt Upon Completion: White
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
*To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after the legendary hero who supposedly founded Korea in 2333 B.C.
Steps: 21
Belt Upon Completion: White W/Yellow Stripe
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after the Korean patriot and educator Ahn Ch’ang Ho (1876-1938)
Steps: 24
Belt Upon Completion: Yellow
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after the monk who introduced Buddism to the Silla Dynasty in 686 A.D.
Steps: 28
Belt Upon Completion: Step 1 = Yellow W/Green Stripe, Step 2 = Green
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Pseudonym of Korean great philosopher and scholar, Yi I (1536-1584), also known as the “Confucius of Korea”.
Steps: 38
Belt Upon Completion: Green W/Blue Stripe
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after the Korean patriot Ahn Chung Gwen. The 32 steps represent the age at which he was martyred in prison in 1910.
Steps: 32
Belt Upon Completion: Blue
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Pen name of the noted scholar, Yi Hwang, an authority on neo-Confucianism. The 37 steps of the form refer to his birthplace on the 37th degree latitude.
Steps: 37
Belt Upon Completion: Blue W/Red Stripe
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after the Hwa Rang Do youth group originating during the Silla Dynasty and becoming one of the driving forces behind the unification of the three kingdoms of Korea.
Steps: 29
Belt Upon Completion: Red
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.

Definition: Named after Admiral Yi Sun Sin, of the Yi Dynasty, who was reputed to have invented the first armored battleship in 1592 A.D. The left hand attack ending the form symbolizes his unfortunate death in battle before he was able to demonstrate his complete loyalty to the king.
Steps: 30
Belt Upon Completion: Step 1 = Red W/Black Stripe, Step 2 = Black
Koryo Do students may view and print the full lesson plan (definition, kicks, one-steps, etc).
* To print the form, click on the graphic below for a full size, then click on ‘print’ at bottom of page.