Test Your First-Aid Knowledge

1. A car accident occurs in front of your school. You want to help those injured. What is the first thing that you should check for? 2. Once you determine that you may not be able to provide as much assistance as needed to an injured or ill person, what should you do? 3. Why … Read more

Self Defense Tips

I. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES FOR TRANSPORTATION A. Public Transportation (buses, taxies, subways, trains) 1. Do not fall asleep on any of the above modes of transportation; stay awake and alert at all times. 2. Do not flash valuables; jewelry, etc. 3. Keep all valuables in front of body. 4. Keep a distance from path of upcoming … Read more

Safety for Women

Hi, everyone! I just finished taking the most amazing self-defense class, sponsored by Shandwick, and I wanted to share some really valuable info with you before it goes out of my head. The guy who taught the class has a female friend who was attacked last year in the parking garage at Westport Plaza in … Read more

Blood and Open Wounds

People react to the sight of blood in different ways. Some may wonder if it’s serious, does it need stitches, or is it dangerous to me as the rescuer? Others feel that it is just disgusting. But that’s because they don’t understand blood. Before we can answer any of the above fears or questions, we … Read more