Dragon Gazette (September 2024)

Welcome to September, Dragons!

Want to see what Koryo Do has to offer this month? Check out our school newsletter, the Dragon Gazette, below!! And Save the Date, we’ll be taking part in the upcoming Pink Up the Pace (5k) Race (Find out more about this event under our events page here > https://www.facebook.com/share/zX1nETCT4aP1Gt4H/ )

Interested in trying us out? We’d love to have you! All NEW STUDENTS can try TWO classes FREE with us at any time! To RSVP your spot, click the link here > https://www.koryodo.com/contact-us/

For more information, you can like and follow us on Facebook to get day-to-day updates OR you can contact us through our Google Business Page!

!! KD PARENTS & STUDENTS !! Learn even more about what’s to come by joining our private group page here > https://www.facebook.com/groups/koryodotkd