Calling all Seniors! (and we’re not talking about the highschoolers…)

Here’s your time to shine and get moving with a class that is so unique, you won’t find it anywhere else! Have you ever heard the phrase, “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it?” Well, at Koryo Do, we take that phrase very seriously! Which is why we’re excited to announce that we’re bringing back our Cane Defense Classes! “…what is that?” you ask?

It’s a training class designed with you in mind!

By the time we enter into our 40’s and 50’s, we tend to become two kinds of individuals: the overly active achievers or the slower, more “go-with-the-flow” (while everything goes crazy around me) kind of person. Because at this time in our lives, time is precious. Our parents are getting older (or may have already passed), kids are now closer to “adults” than kids… and we’re simply trying our best to keep moving forward. Some of you may be super active lifestyle physically, taking hikes, hitting the gym while also maintaining a very serious social life! Or you may find yourself feeling a little more laid back, getting to tasks when you want to, enjoying home life a little more than being out and about… so what if we told you that no matter what your speed may be, Koryo Do’s Cane Defense Class could be just what you need to keep your body moving not too fast… and not too slow!

Developed by Grand Master Jose I. Delgado, our Cane Defense class uses the stability and weight of polypropylene canes combined with the medical and martial arts expertise to give you a class that will get you MOVING, THINKING, and DEFENDING!

How does it work? What all does the class offer?

Let’s break it down!

Cane Defense at Koryo Do gets you MOVING!

Strengthening your wrists/joints, toning your legs, arms, and shoulders, improving your footwork and stability while aiding to any ailments or “limitations” that you may have because it’s led by Grand Master Delgado, who developed and leads this program with his combined medical and martial arts background and expertise of over 50+ years’ worth of knowledge!

Cane Defense at Koryo Do gets you THINKING!

Just when you think “there’s no way I can do that,” this class will have you doubling-back to realize that you really CAN because it’s not going to just get you moving physically. Cane Defense is an art form that will have you thinking, memorizing, reacting at the speed of thought.

Cane Defense at Koryo Do gets you DEFENDING!

It may sound a little silly, the idea of swinging around a cane, but in truth, everything is done with a purpose as we show you how to use the cane not just for stability, but for defense. These techniques can be done on your feet, in a chair, one-handed/two handed, with your dominant/non-dominant hand, in a variety of ways that will have you leaving each class thinking about all of the possibilities!

So, the only question now is…

are you ready to try this Koryo Do’s Cane Defense class for FREE today?! If your answer is “YES” then contact us today at [email protected] or by calling (904)-794-7830.

Want to register online for a FREE Introductory Cane Defense class? Click HERE.

If you’d like to read more about when these classes will be taking place, how long the class is, where to find our school, you can check out our Cane Defense Classes Page at any time HERE.