Today as we honor those who have served, we would like to just say that YES! We are open today for classes from 5-6 PM & 6-7 PM EST at our local Martial Arts Studio! Come on by and say hello and see what Koryo Do can do for you and yours. Classes today will focus on conditioning, self-defense, and team building for teens and adults.
Think you might be interested or have any questions? Contact us HERE and we’ll help you out!
Mention this post to our instructor and try out TWO Complimentary Classes on us!
Just look for the Yellow Building on the corner of Old Moultrie & SR-312 and enter from the side next to our Koryo Do sign. Across from the Cobblestone Publix in beautiful St. Augustine, FL!
#1 Take Exit #311 (SR 207) & head North
#2 Turn RIGHT onto SR-312 E and go over the “bridge”
#3 Turn LEFT onto Old Moultrie Rd (spot the yellow building on the Corner… that’s where you’ll find us!)
#4 Immediately turn into the 1st opening on the Left (you’ll see our sign on the side!)
#5 Take the 1st left into the yellow building’s parking lot and walk back to our sign (facing Old Moultrie) and Wah-La! You MADE IT!
Find Sensei Caitlin’s instructions awful to follow? No worries, we’re on Google, too! Just type in Koryo Do (1851 Old Moultrie Rd, St. Augustine, FL 32084) and watch the magic happen… Hope to see you guys soon!